Real Estate Theme make a bundle of option that consist of 100 + options. Element are from Header to footer or you can say almost everything on theme that you can customize from one place and you can do it with ease. Any user can make changes in design view and create their own Brand new Theme with custom Color theme.

Real Estate theme provide you Hugh amount of theme option from where you can make changes in your website like color theme and Blog layout and much more. Admin can create own color theme website with Real Estate theme
You can do little changes like anchor text link color and hover color change button background color and hover color and much more. Admin can make Advance changes like menu Background color and hover color and body background color and main Content text color and text Size and font. Blog title text styling.
PSD File
Design are available in PSD files. Specially for our user we made 5 color theme design All PSD FILES are layer ready. 30 PSD FILES are create and all will be deliver to our dear users. You can match any color theme with your requirement and apply on theme without any help from developer.
Clean Coding
Our theme is easily customizable any NEWBEE. Because we use comment and Refractor coding so every single line of code can be easily read and understand. Any Developer can make changes in theme according to customer requirement in some time. And crate their own theme

5.1 Theme options list
1. General Setting
2. Menu Setting
3. Advance Setting
4. Header
5. Sidebar Setting
6. Footer
7. Blog content
8. Social Profile
9. Demo import
10. Listing page Setting
11. Home page Setting
12. Single page Setting

5.1.1 General Setting
Most important part of website is Logo. That’s why we made a custom image uploader to upload logo. We use Lightbox plugin to give awesome effect of popup on bog page images. When you click on image present on blog page then image will open as popup with cool effect
You can also add Google analytic code into website. Code will be automatically add into all page of website and you can easily track all pages from Google analytic Dashboard. Appearance > Theme Option > General Setting

1. Upload logo
2. Upload Favicon
3. Insert Google Analytic

5.1.2 Menu Setting
We made really cool styling stuff for you. So you should spend less time to make change like background color or Main menu text color or Main menu background color or hove color and many more. This setting will save your time and money to make simple change. Here is some setting that you can do in website and design your own website have own color theme
Option are
1. Choose the background for Main menu
2. Change the styling for Main menu
3. Menu Text color on hover
4. Menu Top Border color on hover & Active
5. Menu background color on hover
6. Active Menu background color
7. Active Menu Text Color

5.1.3 Advance Setting
We bring other styling of website that you can directly edit from admin. Hence less work on theme styling. Main menu text color and background color and hover color And hover border color and much more
Option are
1. Body Background
2. Style and Rtl Css Enable or Disable
3. View – written before List and Grid Tab color
4. Change Tab – List and Grid Text Color
5. Tabs Border Color
6. Tabs Background color
7. Tabs List and Grid Background color
8. Choose the background color for button
9. Choose button border color
10. color of home boxes Border and background and Button background color
11. color of home Border colors
12. Change the style for Pagination button
13. Blog post and category title styling on category and search page
14. Date, tags styling on Blog category and search page
15. All Page And Blog Content Changes
16. Change the styling for ALL SINGLE PAGE Title
17. BLOG POST Title
18. Change the styling for Footer Widget Title

5.1.4 Header
Do you want to make you won styling in Main content of website, if yes, you can make every little change here like body background color and text color etc.

1. Header layout
2. Top header left line title
3. Top right Contact Number
4. Header background
5. Top header text color
6. Top header background

5.1.5 Slider
you can upload 5 images into slider and these Slider images will show on Homepage

1. Home Page Slider
2. Home Page Slider Text

5.1.6 Sidebar Settings

1. Sidebar position on Archive page
2. Sidebar position on Blog page
3. Sidebar position on single blog page
4. sidebar position on page
5. Widget background color
6. Widget Top border color
7. Widget title color

5.1.7 Footer
We made 4 type of footer layout and so footer will fit on every type of design and can easily editable. You can make text and background color and footer widget color and footer menu color and hover color and many more Here is list that you can make changes

1. Number of column in footer
2. Footer widget text color
3. Footer widget menu color
4. Footer widget menu hover color
5. Choose Font Color For Main Content
6. Copyright text color
7. Footer background color
8. Footer Top Border color
9. Copyright Text

5.1.8 Blog Content
Some time website do not want to show Author name and comment counting and post category date and other stuff. So you can do it with on one place. Real Estate Theme bring all these styling on one page. By default, all option will not display on blog single post. In order to display meta content on blog, you must enable these option to show on Blog Content Theme Option

1. Go to Single post Button Text
2. Post meta element
a. Author
b. Comment count
c. Post Category
d. post date
e. post Tags
3. Social Icon in single post bottom

5.1.9 Listing setting
Listing page setting gives you offer to display number of listing on listing page

Option are

1. Set your search page result
2. Button Text that will link to single Listing
3. Listing detail Text Color ( PROPERTY TYPE, LOCATION etc)
4. Listing value bottom border ( Property type price etc values)
5. Listing Value Text color
6. Background color of property Details fields
7. Number of Real Estate listing will show on listing page
8. Social icons setting
Note: By default social icons is hide on Real Estate listing and Feature listing. In order to display social icons on Real Estate listing and Feature listing page then you must click on appropriate social icons

5.1.10 Home page Setting
We tried to create almost every little thing customizable and you can change thing easily. On Single listing page, you can change word like “Property Type Text” to any thing that match wit your requirement and you can create any type of website

Here are list of Options
1. Slider on home page
2. Homepage First box title
3. Homepage First box icon
4. Homepage First box description
5. Choose the text color for button
6. Homepage First box Button Link
7. Homepage second box Title
8. Homepage Second box Icon
9. Homepage Second box description
10. Homepage Second box Button Link
11. Homepage Third box title
12. Homepage Third box icon
13. Homepage Third box description
14. Homepage Third box Button Link
15. Homepage box title color
16. Homepage box text color
17. Show Number of Feature listing on Homepage
17. Homepage Feature Listing
18. Homepage Feature Listing background color
19. Homepage Feature Listing text color
20. Button hover color
21. Button hover background and border
22. Feature Listing and Newsletter
23. Background color of Newsletter Text
24. Search button background
25. Search bottom text

5.1.11 Single page Listing
We tried to create almost every little thing customizable and you can change thing easily. On Single listing page, you can change word like “Property Type Text” to anything that match with your requirement and you can create any type of website

Here are list of Options

1. Property Type Text
2. Location Type text
3. City Type Text
4. Status type text
5. Max price Type text
6. Min Price type Text
7. Contact form – optionally you can use other form or use shortcode

5.1.12 Contact Page Setting
Real Estate Theme gives you predefine layout for Contact us page. you just need to submit data and Contact us page Ready, Only step you need to do is assign Contact us page Template to page that you want to show as Contact us page.

1. Address Map
2. Contact box title here
3. First Address Box
4. Second Address Box
5. Third Address Box

5.1.13 Social Profile
Social presence is most important. your website should contains social links. Google also recommended social presence and Google search algorithm update in 2014 panda changes (Google SEO algorithm that for website content) Hummingbird algorithm check website link on social websites.
You can upload 9 social icons and link them to social networking website. NOTE :Recommended size social icons: 50px * 50px

1. upload Social icons networking website logo icon size: 50px * 50px
2. Enter url that represent the icon you uploaded

5.1.11 Demo import
You can import demo data to see your website look like Real Estate theme. But wait, importing demo will override setting of Theme options on website. Importing demo data will bring all content like demo Real Estate Theme has and post like widget ,default image and other necessary data will import into website.

Option are
Go to Appearance > Theme Option. Find “Demo Import”
1. you will see on “IMPORT DATA” button
2. Clicking on “IMPORT DATA” button will import data into website
3. Wait until “Successfully imported demo data” message to appear
4. You must click on save Button after importing successfully completed
5. Please Do not close Browser tab until demo import completed
Newsletter: Homepage contains Newsletter positioned below the Feature listing. To add Newsletter you need to first install MailChimp plugin. After activated MailChimp plugin. You need to add MailChimp’s widget to Newsletter Wdiget.
To create listing Follow these Steps
1. After Activating Real Estate Theme, Real Estate listing Menu will show on left side next to Testimonial
2. click “Add New”
Like post – Title, Description and Feature Image is same as post. Feature image is used to show thumbnail of RealEsate listing
1. Contact form – contact 7 form id (when user click on send request button on property page then this form will open as popup)
2. Location Map – Google map code—
3. Property Type – Type of Property
4. Location – Geo Location of property
5. City – city name
6. Status –
7. Mini price – minimum price
8. Max price – Maximum price
9. Slug – url of property
Note: You can find Google map code here –

Real Estate listing
Real Estate Listing offer you make a property listing website. We specially made this feature so you can make cool looking property listing website. Not only you can create property listing Creating Real Estate listing is as easy as creating post

Listing Page
You can make any page to Real Estate listing page where all the Real Estate listing will show. Real Estate Theme created a Template “Property Listing” to show all listing.

Setting listing page
1. Page > Add New
2. Write title “Listing”
3. Select Template “Property Listing” from Template dropdown
4. click on publish button
Note: no need to select feature image
Wooha! Your listing page is ready.

7. Contact us page
Real Estate Theme give you predefine layout for Contact us page. Layout contains Map, Middle Content Section, Contact form and three contact info section.
Map Map is coming from Widget called “Map”. Contact form and Get in touch with us.
Middle Content Section Middle Content section comes from Page that you assign. Middle content section contains Title and Descriptions.
Contact form —-
Three contact info section you add addition information like Phone Number, Address, Email id and other information there.

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